
Emulators on iOS! - 17 May, 2024

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Apple recently started allowing emulators into the IOS App Store. Theres a full list of emulators here Here are some of my favorites.


Delta has a great user experience, and is easy to use. It plays NES-N64 and Gameboy-DS.
Install Delta here


Probably my favorite emulator on IOS, PPSSPP is a great PSP emulator. It works well and is really customizable.
Install PPSSPP here


The best and worst emulator that I have ever used. RetroArch is a powerful emulator frontend that supports most game systems. It is also customizable and it can be great. But the UX is really bad, and learning how to use it is hard. Compared to Delta and PPSSPP, RetroArch is harder to use and set up. The positive is that you can pretty much do anything with RetroArch, if you try hard enough.
Install RetroArch here

I'm learning Ruby - 9 April, 2024

I'm learning Ruby, and it's really fun. Here are some differences I've noticed between Ruby and Python so far.

  # hello world in Python
  # hello world in Ruby
  puts "hello" # prints with new line
  print "hello" #does not make new line 

It's interesting because in Python, print() defualts to end with "\n". This is the new line character. Adding end=' ' would end with a space instead.
In Ruby, puts ends with a "\n", but print does not. I'm not sure if this is a better way than Python, but it's an interesting difference.

Ruby also has unless. It's the oposite of an if statment.

    hp = 0
    if not hp == 0:
    hp = 0
    unless hp == 0
      puts "alive"

Those are just somethings I've found while tinkering with Ruby.

I did a Music! :D - 29 March, 2024

I did a music! It's called "Up and Up", and you can hear it here. I made it in Jummbox, an Mod of Beepbox. I also added a download for the Cake Ringtone, so you can use it as a ringtone if you want. I added a download for my new song too. If you want to download any of the other songs I have there, you can open them on the Beepbox site. And from there, select File > Export Song, and save as a .wav or .mp3.

Louie Zong - 16 March, 2024

Louie Zong is great. He makes great music, has done storyboards for TV shows like We Bare Bears and Centaurworld, and is even Emmy-nominated.
He also makes video games on I love everything he does, please check him out.

Tally Hall - 14 March, 2024

Tally Hall are a pretty good band. Their music is great, even through they only have 2 abums. I prefer Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum, But Good & Evil is a good album too. You self definitely give them a try. And, Banana Man

Cool Fonts - 12 March, 2024

Fonts are cool, so here are some of my favorites.

Silkscreen - Silkscreen is the best pixel font I've found. It has a great bold form, and its pixels are even.

Bungee Shade - This font is great, it has a great 3d effect to it. It's one of my favorite fonts, I even used it for the header of this page.

Bungee - Bungee is a good font on its own, but it goes great with Bungee Shade.

Source Code Pro - This is my favorite monospace font, and I use it whenever I need to show code.

Learning - 12 March, 2024

I added a learn section. Currently it has Basic Html and basic Python guides. Neither are finished yet, but I thought i would make them accesable.

Art and Things - 9 March, 2024

I added a About Me page to my site. I also added an art page, and I'll be adding some of the art I make there.

The start of my RSS feed - 8 March, 2024

I'm learning about RSS and it's great. I'm starting a feed to learn more about how RSS works.
I'll eventually post more articles.