How to do Python

need to add code examples

Hello World

print("hello, world")

print() - the function to print things to the terminal.
"" - these are quotes, they are being used to print the text between them.


Comments don’t affect how the code works, but can make it easier to understand. To make comments use #.

# code to print hello

# wow


There are different types of variables in Python. Variables are a way to store data. You don't need to specify which type of variable when creating one, but sometimes it's helpful to.


Lists are a type of variable that contains other variables. To make a list use [].
list = ["this is a string", "and this", "also this"]

Simple Math Operations

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulus, Exponentiation.

Working with Strings

You can add strings together. Strings, like yarn, like cats play with yarn, like rain, like the weather, not like to person, there is no person named rain, he doesnt exist, what are you talking about, i never mentioned rain, im not crazy, your crazy. Back to the lesson.
str1 = "cat"
str2 = "rain"


To receive input from the terminal, use the input() function.

If Statements

If statements are used to execute code if an event happens.


The two types of loops are for and while.


Functions let you define a command, and then use that command in other places.


Python libraries are basically collections of functions. To add a library, use import.